NE Auto Tech

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Petrol Injector Testing and Cleaning

Posted on: March 3rd, 2023 by NEAT

Some of you may not know we are able to carry out Petrol Injector testing and cleaning! We invested in an ASNU petrol injector machine and are able to service your injectors to help you optimize engine performance! We often add this service onto an Intake Valve Carbon Clean as whilst we are in the engine it makes sense to test and clean the injectors at the same time!

So why do petrol injectors cause problems?

Engine fuel Injectors collect dirt, grime and soot. As the injector sprays fuel into the intake manifold at a precise angle and speed, the dirty injector can cause issues due to the Air and fuel mix being inaccurate. Often symptoms of injector problems include; engine misfires, rough idle, mpg dips and unpredictable movements of the RPM needle. In the worst case, your car won’t start!

So what does the ASNU machine do?

We decided to invest in the ASNU Injector Diagnostic Testing & Servicing Systems. The machine puts the injector through various testing. ‘The ASNU system has been designed for comparing injector against injector at a safe operating level. The ASNU system allows the user to visually examine the injectors on an individual cycle or in sequential mode, where they can compare the performance of the injectors under a range of simulated Millisecond & RPM driving cycles already programmed into the ASNU system. The injectors can be operated at various RPM & MilliSecond settings, restricted only by the number of injectors being tested in the sequential testing operation.’ Once the injectors are tested, they are thoroughly cleaned in an ultrasonic bath. We will then replace any seals on suitable injectors that require it, then they are good to go.

Here’s a ‘link’ to the ASNU website to find out more!

Injector cleaning is £30 inc VAT per injector. We will be creating more videos in the coming months on how injector cleaning works and the benefits! You can follow our YouTube and Facebook pages to keep up to date by clicking the links.

We can also test and clean your injectors without the vehicle! If your car is having some issues and your injectors are already out, get in touch and send your injectors too us and we’ll post them back with a full report. Get in touch via the contact page.

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