NE Auto Tech

Additional Services

Additional servicing

Additional services to cater for your VAG vehicle.

Additional services to cater for your VAG vehicle. 


The cambelt, also known as the timing belt, is a key part of your engine. Its job is to keep the engine components running in sync. Made from a rubber material, it wears out over time. We recommend replacing it every five years or as per the mileage suggested by the manufacturer, whichever comes first.

Replacing a cambelt can be a complicated and time-consuming task. However, our skilled technicians will handle it with care and precision. During the replacement, we also change the rollers and tensioner pulleys that guide the belt. If the belt powers the water pump, we suggest replacing that too for better reliability and performance.

Brake Fluid

Brake fluid absorbs moisture over time, which lowers its boiling point. This can result in longer stopping distances and reduced braking efficiency. Thereafter, in the worst case, brake failure. To keep your brakes working properly, we recommend replacing the brake fluid every two years.

Transmission Fluid

Transmission fluid is often overlooked, but it’s essential for keeping your transmission system lubricated and cool. Over time, the fluid breaks down, making it less effective. This can lead to wear and tear or even damage other parts.

We recommend changing the transmission fluid every 40,000 miles. For automatic transmissions, we also advise replacing the fluid filter and checking the electronic system settings. If you own a VAG group vehicle, the Haldex differential unit also needs a fluid and filter service every 40,000 miles to keep it in good working condition.

Air Conditioning

To ensure your air-conditioning system runs efficiently, it’s best to service it every two years. Over time, the refrigerant gas can escape, reducing the cooling power and putting extra strain on the engine.

Our certified ‘F-Gas’ technicians will refill the refrigerant, service the system, and check for any issues to keep your air conditioning working at its best.


Fortron fuel max

DID YOU KNOW Variations in fuel quality, driving conditions and irregular maintenance and servicing certainly affect fuel economy and engine performance.


Reduced engine efficiency can result in:
  • Higher engine emissions
  • Poor throttle response
  • Rough engine idle
  • decrease in MPG
 So After Service Benefits:
  • Cleans fuel injectors, combustion chambers and throttle body systems
  • Reduces exhaust emissions
  • Removes gums, varnish and resin from engine intake system
  • Improves fuel economy and engine performance
  • Smoother and more responsive acceleration

Get in contact with us ‘here‘ to find out pricing and availability on the above services.

Or contact us through our Facebook page. Certainly check out our reviews whilst you are there!

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